It is Saturday morning and the LSU Tigers Men's College Basketball team is getting ready for their game against the Ole Miss Rebels. As the Tigers warm up for the game one can not help, but be amazed by LSU's current record. Through the team's first 18 games LSU has posted an impressive mark of 13-5. To make matters even more unthinkable is the fact LSU has won 5 straight conference games. Pretty astounding when you think about where this squad was less than a year ago. For all LSU fans, it is something that is unforunately, vividly remembered. The Tigers entered the Field of 65 on fire, despite losing to a good Kentucky team by one point in the SEC Tournament. The first victim of March Madness (or so we thought) was Alabama-Birmingham. Well as the story goes LSU gets stomped. To make matters worse, it is the second straight NCAA appearance where LSU lost in the first round. To throw even more salt into the wound, Brandon Bass left early for NBA and Tack Minor was ruled ineligible for the first half of the upcoming season. Once the year began, the inexperiance of LSU was greatly showcased. The team lost 5 games by a total of 11 points, yet in some bittersweet way Brady's team gained something. The team gained confidence, character, and the mental aspect of the game. Even more surprising was the veteran play of such freshman like Tyrus Thomas (redshirt), Garrett Temple, Ben Voogd, and Tasmin Mitchell. The once sinking USS John Brady, now seems to be spreading it's wings for take off. Brady Ball is at full steam and by the looks of the atmosphere in Baton Rouge, things have not been this exciting since Stro and Jabari ran the paint. It is quite evident this is a special team John Brady has under his wings. A special team that could make Stro and Jabari's run look like a first round exit. 'Nuff said...
Friday, January 27, 2006
Brady Ball Back!!
Super Bowl XL
Do not remind me of my Conference Championship picks again. Believe me I have heard my share of "nice picks" and "way to go" since that day both Carolina and Denver lost. Anyway, let's cut to the chase. The biggest sporting event in the United States of America is less than a week away. Before I give you my analysis on the game let me just say this...Don't you think it's odd that one of America's fatest cities happened to get Super Bowl Xtra Large. Alright maybe I am the only one who thought that...
(NOTE: Feel free to click on photos!)
Synopsis: On Super Bowl Sunday, Pittsburgh will be playing in the franchise's 6th Super Bowl. The organization has not been to the big game since 1996, and for that matter they have not even won a championship since 1980. The Seattle Seahawks on the other hand will be serving in their first Super Bowl ever. The closest this club has ever been to a Super Bowl was in 1983 when Seattle lost 30-14 to Oakland in the AFC Championship.
Why Seattle Will Win: How many times has Coach Holmgren been to the Big Game? Twice. He knows what it takes to win, and he knows what mistakes lead to defeat. After all the criticism Holmgren has endured while the head coach in Seattle, he can shut up the critics for good with a Super Bowl win...and that is just what is going to happen. Why you ask? His team is loaded with the League's MVP and most underrated quarterback. Blitzburgh has not faced a running back like Alexander in the playoffs. That alone will cause great trouble for Cowher's Crew. Along with that, the D in Seattle is young, fast, and damn good. Cornerback Nathan Trufant is an up and coming cornerback who will only get better. The same can be said for rookie sensation Lofa Tatupu, who will be playing in the upcoming Pro Bowl as an injury replacement. Overall, the three main factors in Seattle's win will be Holmgren's experience, Alexander's versatility, and a defense that is suffocating.
Why Pittsburgh Will Win: It was ten years ago, but you can be sure that loss to Dallas in Super Bowl XXX still hurts Coach Cowher when he thinks about it. Remember earlier in the year when a playoff berth was a long shot for this Pittsburgh team? A lot has sure changed since then. They have run the tables by beating the AFC's first, second, and third seeded teams. (First team in NFL history.) With a ferocious defense and a QB playing beyond his years, this team is destined to give Cowher the hardware he deserves. They'll pull off the victory because of the opportunities the defense will set up for Big Ben & Co.
X-Factors: Yes, we all know that Shaun Alexander , Matt Hasselback, Jerome Bettis, and Ben Roethlisberger are
important players in Super Bowl XL. Yet that is not what is known as a X-Factor player. A X-Factor player is an individual who is not famous, nor very dominate, but none the less his success is important and vital. For Seattle there X-Factor will have to be 4 year veteran TE Jeremy Stevens. During this season when Stevens has at least 4 catches the Seahawks are 6-0. If he's given the chance to make the play, the Pittsburgh D better watch out. As for the yellow and black their X-Factor is the energetic and outspoken LB Joey Porter. When Mr. Porter has at least one sack, his Steeler team is 7-2. If Porter is sacking the quarterback, then the Blitzburg defense is obviously working.
Matchup History: Seattle and Pittsburgh have played each other 14 times. The Seahawks lead the series 8-6, which includes a two game winning streak (1999, 2003). In those 14 showdowns the average score is 20-14 Seattle. Let's not forget that this will only be the second time in the 21st century that Seattle and Pittsburgh will play each other.
Prediction: I am very excited about this upcoming Super Bowl. Sunday's matchup consists of two teams that have not won a Super Bowl in quite some time (if at all). Also, both Seattle and Pittsburgh are impressive on both defense and offense. Though, in the end I will have to give the nod to Pittsburgh. I believe defense wins championships, and in Cowher's latest D you have 11 men on the field who can flat out disable an offense. Mark my words, The Bus goes out a winner!
Steelers 34 Seahawks 20
Monday, January 23, 2006
Analysis of My Pathetic Picks...
I was 6-2 heading into Conference Championship week. I was cruising along. I was of on top of my game. That was until I was flat out wrong about the Seattle/Carolina, and Denver/Pittsburgh games. I do not think I could have been more wrong. None the less, Super Bowl XL is right around the corner. I'll give you my prediction next week when the game is actually closer. The only purpose of this post is for you, the viewer, to feel the sorrow I felt after my pathetic picks.
...And I Thought 62 Was Good...
Remember that article I wrote on December 22, 2005 talking about the 62 points Kobe Bryant put up in 33 minutes? Remember how I talked about how if Kobe had played in the 4th quarter he surely would have broken David Thompson's record of 75 points in a game? Well how about this one! Kobe put up 81 points. I was in disbelief when I watched the highlights of the Lakers/Raptors game. It still has not totally sunk in. The man put up 81 points for crying out loud! The next closest guy was Shawn Marion who had 37 points against Seattle in double overtime. Bryant had more than twice the amount of points than Marion and he only played in four quarters! Like I have said in the past, Kobe Bryant is the best player in the game right now. When he is on, nobody is better than him. Not Tracy McGrady, not Tim Duncan, or even Shaquille O'Neal. Nobody. Mr. Bryant deserves all the praise he'll be getting for this unimaginable 81 point game, BUT do not start making claims that Kobe's 81 point performance was better than the Big Dipper's 100. No, don't start that. None the less, it may not be the single greatest basketball performance ever, but I still think 81 points is pretty darn good. 'Nuff said...
Saturday, January 21, 2006
Jordan's 2nd Comeback
I was recently surfing the web when I came across an article that listed the Top 10 Worst Comebacks. For the most part, I agreed with everything that was said in the article. Everything except the claim that Michael Jordan's second comeback was a miserable failure. People immediately look at the fact that because Jordan's Wizards never made it to the playoffs during his two year tenure MJ failed. Wrong! You knew that when Jordan came back his game was not going to be the same, but he still showed at his elderly age he could take games over. For instance, in his first season with Washington, Jordan had back-to-back 50+ point games. He is the oldest player in the history of the National Basketball Association to pull off that stunt. Let's not forget that also that same season #23 was elected to yet another All-Star game. Most people seem to focus on the fact MJ could not dunk the way he use to, but what about that fade away? From what I saw that shot was as clutch as it's ever been. Heck, Jordan will be able to hit that shot well into his 70s. All in all, the reason Jordan's Washington Wizards never made it to the post season is merely because of the lack of a supporting cast he had on that team. He pushed those guys to take their game to another level. He pushed them to win down the stretch of each game, but as we all know that never happened enough. One more thing to you Jordan haters: Did you know the UNC grad averaged an impressive 21.5 points and 6 rebounds in two seasons? Pretty darn good for a long time veteran. In conclusion, it is a very ignorant response to say Jordan's second comeback was a flat out failure. Yes, he did not reach his goal as far as getting to the playoffs, but that can not be the only thing looked at. You must look at the very aspect that even at 40 years old the greatest basketball player in the history of the game was still able to display his ability to control and dictate a game.
Thursday, January 19, 2006
4 Teams, 2 Spots, One Goal
The NFL Playoffs are always an exciting time of the year. For some reason this season seems to be a bit more special. Is it the fact that Bill Cowher's Pittsburgh Steelers are yet again in the hunt for a Super Bowl Championship? Or maybe how the Seattle Seahawks are attempting to win their first Super Bowl ever? Nah, can't be! It must be the storybook season of John Fox's Carolina Panthers! Wait, I got it this time! The reason playoff time is so much more exciting this year is because the Broncos have won their first playoff game since Elway left. Well whatever it is, the games have been awfully enjoying. This weekend features some marquee matchups. I can not see any scenerio where I would not be happy for whoever wins the Super Bowl. All in all, make sure to watch the games and enjoy my picks!
Carolina Panthers @ Seattle Seahawks
What's at stake: With a win Carolina will be going to their second Super Bowl in three years. As for Seattle, this organization is looking to get to their first Super Bowl berth. Both cities are eager to finally get a championship.
Why Carolina will win: Yes, Carolina may be without DeShaun Foster, but #37 Nick Goings is pretty solid. Besides, Delhomme is a dependable quarterback who has been in this situation before. To go along with the Delhomme-Speed Smith hookup is John Fox's suffocating defense. This Carolina team dismantled the #1 NFL defense. Why should Seattle's be a problem?
Why Seattle will win: After all the years of patience, Seattle fans are finally rewarded with a Seahawk team that is definitely Super Bowl worthy. Coach Holgrem has been to the Super Bowl twice, but believe me he'd love to go back. One of the toughest (if not the toughest) stadiums to play at, is in Seattle. The loud noise of the fans has caused opponents a NFL leading 25 false starts. To add on to the homefield advantage, the Hawks are also equipped with a veteran quarterback like Matt Hasselback. To make matters worse for the Panthers, #8 is having the best season of his career. Oh I almost forgot, Seattle has the league MVP Shaun Alexander. He was injured last week and has felt the criticism lately. You don't think he'll be out to prove something?
Prediction: This is definitely going to be a very memorable game. These teams line up evenly, except for one difference. Experience. We all know Seattle got over the hump and won their first playoff game since 1984. None the less, guys like Matt Hasselback and Shaun Alexander are not battle tested like Jake Delhomme and Julius Peppers. Fox's team has been in this situation before and they know what it takes to get to the Super Bowl. Period.
Panthers 29 Seahawks 20
Pittsburgh Steelers @ Denver Broncos
What's at stake: In his last season, Jerome Bettis has the opportunity to give Bill Cowher a Super Bowl ring. A dream season could be cut short by a Denver Broncos bunch that is looking to pull out yet another Super Bowl title for Coach Shanahan who already has two.
Why Pittsburgh will win: Pittsburgh has been in playoff mode for several weeks. This team has seen it all. The upset against Indy was amazing just because Cowher's team dominated so much. Cowher is 1-4 in Conference Championship matchups and hasn't been to the Super Bowl in 10 years. He wants this, Bettis wants this, the team wants this. The defense will disrupt Plummer's timing and Roethlisberger will once again make the necessary plays for a victory.
Why Denver will win: Everyone looked over this Denver squad. I'm sure that is not the case anymore. After all, this team just ended the two-time defending champs reign. The defense showed they were a force to reckon with, but more importantly Jake Plummer showed that he in fact can make the critical plays.Prediction: Choosing the victor in this ball game is a lot more difficult than the Carolina/Seattle game. Both teams, fans, and what not are extremely psyched for this showdown. The main factor in the winner of this game will be the home field advantage. Denver will be triumphant because their quick-strike offense will allow them to obtain an early lead of more than one score. This will force Pittsburgh to abandon their power running game and switch to a throwing offense. With a loud crowd and confusing defense, Roethlisberger will greatly panic. His youth will once again decide the fate of the Steelers.
Broncos 25 Steelers 20
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Cleaning Up the "Better" Mess
There is one issue in sports I am tired of hearing. When a team wins, they are the winner. Period. They are the better team because if they were not they would have lost. (Except for a few extreme situations...1991 5th down incident) Understand? No more, "Well they may have lost, but they are still the better team." That's not true! After all if they knew who was going to win, why would the teams even bother playing? Think about it. It just makes me sick when I hear writers saying USC is still the superior football team compared to Texas. Matt Leinert's quote was the most classless thing a senior could say. His team lost, but he still thought they were the #1 team. It's tough to lose, but it's even worse to be a poor sport about it. Another classic example is a recent article written by Andrew Perloff on Mr. Perloff makes the comment that the better team lost Saturday in Denver. I have all the respect in the world for the Patriots, but how can you say on a night they converted 5 turnovers New England was better? Yes, New England has 3 Super Bowl rings in 4 years, and yes they may be a more dangerous team on paper, but when you get down to it the only thing that matters is the score at the end of the game. It's not logical to make that comment. With thinking like that you might as well say the 1969 Super Bowl trophy belongs to the Colts even
though they lost 16-7 to Namath's Jets. How about this one? Georgetown may have lost to Villanova in 1985, but that championship really belongs to them. We all know Thompson's team was more skilled and flat out better than the Wildcats. The Hoyas were just off that night so they deserve the right to be called #1. All in all, the essence of a matchup between two opponents is suppose to decide one thing and one thing only, the winner...not a controversy. 'Nuff said...
Monday, January 16, 2006
An Analogy Even the Colts Would Agree With...
I will be honest I hated analogies in school. I was never able to understand the connection between the words. Though, I recently stumbled across (made up) an analogy that even I can understand. The Sacramento Kings of the NBA are to what? The Indianapolis Colts of the NFL. Do you remember that run the Kings had in the NBA during the first few years of the 21st century? Ah, yes! There was Coach Adelman, Peja, Weber, Bibby, Divac, and more. Despite the team's consistent strong record, they could never get a championship. Hmm. That reminds me of another team. The Indianapolis Colts. They set records, win at least 12 games a year, and also choke yearly in the playoffs. Sorry to be so harsh, but let's face it. Indy was in the perfect situation. For crying out loud they were looking to be the second team to go undefeated. Remember when they were 13-0? That seems so long ago. It is really difficult to see if whether or not Peyton's Colts will ever get that Super Bowl trophy. Year in and year out, problems always arise for this team during playoff time. It may be Dungy's conservative playcalling, Peyton's ineffective play, but whatever it is the story always is the same. "This is the Colts' year. Peyton is finally going to get to the Super Bowl." But let's be honet, come Super Bowl time the only word floating around Indianapolis about the Colts always seems to be "tragedy." 'Nuff said...
Analysis of Division Games
After the Divisional Round I had another impress record. I was 3-1, my only incorrect prediction was the upset the Pittsburgh Steelers pulled against the Indianapolis Colts. Overall, I have posted a 6-2 record in the 2006 NFL Playoffs. Below are some short, quick thoughts that ran threw my head after each game.
-Despite losing, Washington fans have to be very pleased with the defense their team has. In more ways than one, it is flat out suffocating. This team will surely be back in the postseason in the coming years. (Now if they could only get a solid offensive attack...)
-They looked lousy, lost their All-Star tailback, yet still won. How? Coach Holmgren is on a level above others.
-I was impressed that Hasselback and D. Jackson were able to step up big time during their team's most desperate moments. Too be honest I thought Seattle was going to blow it.
Denver/New England
-I'm surprised so many Patriot players were complaining to refrees. That's not the New England team I have seen dominate for the last few years.
-Through all the criticism and pressure, Plummer was able to deliver for his team when they needed it the most. His scrambling and pocket passing were sensational. New England had just cut the lead to a score of 24-13. The Brady Bunch was still hungry, but Plummer drove his team down for a clutch field goal.
-The Indianapolis Colts are turning into the NFL's own version of the Sacramento Kings a few years. Is Peyton ever going to win a championship? I really do not know.
-I finally hope that Bill Cowher gets the Super Bowl he deserves. His team is tested and determined to bring home the hardware. By the way, wouldn't that be a way for Jerome Bettis to go out?
-Troy Polamalu is the best safety in the NFL. Heck, I'd could as far as saying the best defender as well. By the time his career is over, his name will be discussed in the same sentences as legends like Ronnie Lott.
-I thought the defense of Chicago would do well, but it still wouldn't be enough. I never imagined the whole defensive unit would put up a donut like that. Wow!
-Well this is nothing new, the running back position for Carolina is all banged up...again. I think Stephen Davis will never be the back he once was. His career is done. It's Foster's job, but DeShaun is always injured. Nick Goings is a quality back who can play, and just like last year he'll take advantage of his opportunites.
-It was another playoff loss for Chicago, but the foundation is set in the Windy City for this team to be back. Grossman, Lovie Smith, Urlacher, Vasher, and Tillman...
Thursday, January 12, 2006
2006 NFL Playoffs: Round 2
I have to say I'm pretty surprised how well I've done so far with my predictions in the 2006 NFL Playoffs. The only matchup that I was incorrect about was the Buccaneers/Redskins game. If Chris Simms understood the concept on how your not suppose to throw to the players wearing a different color jersey, I would be a solid 4-0. Though, 3-1 is not a bad way to start. Anyway, let me cut to the chase on who's going to win this weekend and why.
Washington Redskins @ Seattle Seahawks
Spotlight Player: Shaun Alexander. The former Crimson Tide running back is having a story book season. He's won the MVP, the rushing title, and the record for most rushing touchdowns in a season (28).
Outcome: Last week I was incorrect on thinking that Tampa would beat Washington. This week I will not make the same mistake. Seattle will win because you can only ride on your D for so long. Washington doesn't have a consistent offensive attack...and well Seattle does. Did I mention they have Shaun Alexander?
Seahawks 28 Redskins 16
Carolina Panthers @ Chicago Bears
Spotlight Player: Rex Grossman. #8 is finally back under center. The question is, can he win the big games by making the big plays? Grossman will be going against a hungry, experienced Panthers' defense that has already made the journey to the Super Bowl once.
Outcome: Everyone is so high on the Chicago Bears because of their defense. Don't get me wrong it's awesome, but what about the offense? Carolina has a Top 5 defense along with a solid offensive unit. The Bears will cause lots of problems for Carolina, but in the end the experience of a QB like Jake Delhomme will be the difference.
Panthers 22 Bears 15
New England Patriots @ Denver Broncos
Spotlight Player: Jake Plummer. This old time, gunslingin' QB hasn't had the greatest of times when it comes to the postseason. That may change. This season Plummer's INTs were down and his efficiency was up. In order to shut up the critics, Plummer has to play the game he is capable of playing.
Outcome: The secondary is young and the running game is towards the bottom of the league. Those two problems along with #16 coming ready to play, are what will ultimately lead to the fall of the Patriots.
Broncos 30 Patriots 22Pittsburgh Steelers @ Indianapolis Colts
Spotlight Player: Edgerrin James. When this guy is able to run, the team is able to put up big time points. When he isn't, defensives are able to throw more guys back into coverage leading to a very predictable Colts' offense.
Outcome: The Steelers are red hot right now and the Colts have cooled off a bit. None the less, the game is indoors where the speed of Indy can be displayed more. Besides Manning isn't about to blow another shot at a Super Bowl title.
Colts 42 Steelers 27
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Who Says You Can't Ignore Pain?
You have heard of it before. The story about the player who continues to play with pain. He doesn't feel the aching in his bones, nor the torture his body is taking, all he feels is the voice inside of him that tells him to keep going. No story about a football player playing with pain will ever be as powerful as the one that took place over 20 years ago.
He had over 150 career sacks and went to 7 Pro Bowls. He's a widely known defensive end who is in the Pro Football Hall of Fame. Though the most impressive thing about Jack Youngblood has nothing to do with any numbers or records.
During the Los Angeles Rams' heroic run to the 1980 Super Bowl, Youngblood suffered a broken fibula in the Divisional Playoffs. For most athletes, an injury like that would result in the end of a season. Jack Youngblood was not like most athletes. Even after injuring his fibula that day against Dallas, Jack insisted he could still play. "They carted me into a Texas Stadium locker room before halftime and did X-rays," said Youngblood, who now lives in Orlando and works for the Arena Football League. "I told our team doctor, "It's only a fibula. Just tape it up and let me get back on the field.' "( Jack's wish was granted, for the University of Florida graduate was sooner than later taped up and sent back out on the field. In fact, later that day the hobbled athlete recorded a sack on Cowboys' Roger Staubach. This legendary story of bravery and heart continued to carry on throughout the playoffs. In the following weeks (Conference Finals, Super Bowl XIV, and the Pro Bowl) Youngblood continued his expectional play on the field. Regardless of the injury his body had sustained, Jack Youngblood played each and every playoff game with all his might. It was painful to have lost Super Bowl XIV to the Pittsburgh Steelers, but all should know that it was nothing compared to what Youngblood had to deal with for 3 straight games. 'Nuff said...
Thursday, January 05, 2006
The Destiny of a Team...
Just like that it was done. The streak. 34 straight games. Snapped, no more, finished. A little over six minutes earlier the Texas Longhorns looked done. Mack Brown's club was down 38-26 after Dwayne Jarrett stretched himself across the goal line. The game would have been a Trojan victory had Vince Young had nothing to say about it. The easiest way to describe what Vince Young did, can best be shown by looking back at the greatest basketball player ever: Michael Jordan. During Jordan's prime he did whatever was necessary to win. Absolutely whatever. It was like no matter what the circumstances were, or how much time was left, Michael Jordan was going to guide his team to victory. Vince Young did just that last night. I still can't fully comprehend how amazing Mr. Young truthfully was. The Trojans could not stop him during the first drive under the six minute mark in which the Longhorns cut the score 38-33. Young got another chance to show his magic after the defense made a huge stop on 4th and 2. Play by play Vince Young carved his way down the field as the clock continued to tick. Then it was 4th and 5. USC seemed to have stopped the Longhorns. All they needed to do was make one more defensive play and Carroll would win his second National Championship. It wasn't possible for #10 was destined to do whatever was necessary. It was unfathomable to see that the National Championship came down to a 4th down play like it did. The whole season for both teams rested on this one play. As Young ran into the endzone, the noise at the Rose Bowl seemed to be flowing into every household television tuned into the game. After the successful 2-point conversion, and the last ditch effort by USC, the game was over. Game. Set. Match. To end the unforgettable night for every Texas Longhorn fan, the god-like man, Vince Young held the crystal ball in the air. Despite Matt Leinert's cowardly remarks that USC was still the better team, every man, woman and child who watched the game could clearly see that they just witnessed one of the greatest football games ever. But more importantly, they saw the triumphant victory of the best team in the land. The best team in the land, lead by the most profilic quarterback who ever played the game.
The Road to Detroit
Feel free to look at my playoff predictions that I made in Week 14. I was suprised how close my guesses were. Under Archives click November 2005. A list of articles will now be shown. Click Late Season Playoff Predictions. Because my predictions were not completely accurate of the one's taking place in the coming weeks, I have to once again make more predictions.
6th seeded Pittsburgh Steelers beat 3rd seeded Cincinnati Bengals
4th seeded New England Patriots beat 5th seeded Jacksonville Jaguars
1st seeded Indianapolis Colts beat 6th seeded Pittsburgh Steelers
2nd seeded Denver Broncos beat 4th seeded New England Patriots
1st seeded Indianapolis Colts beat 2nd seeded Denver Broncos
3rd seeded Tampa Bay Buccaneers beat 6th seeded Washington Redskins
5th seeded Carolina Panthers beat 4th seeded New York Giants
1st seeded Seattle Seahawks beat 3rd seeded Tampa Bay Buccaneers
5th seeded Carolina Panthers beat 2nd seeded Chicago Bears
1st seeded Seattle Seahawks beat 5th seeded Carolina Panthers
Super Bowl XL
1st seeded Indianapolis Colts beat 1st seeded Seattle Seahawks
Monday, January 02, 2006
The NEW Troy Smith
I just finished watching the Fiesta Bowl between two proud programs: Ohio State and Notre Dame. It was an intense, entertaining game. Though through all the hoopla surrounding the outcome of this bowl, only one topic should be discussed: Troy Smith. For the majority of his college career (so far) this man was only known as the quarterback with potiential. It wasn't until this season that this potiential was transformed into reality. Mr. Smith jump started the Buckeyes' offense during midseason. The once dry offense was putting up big time numbers and causing Buckeye fans across the nation to gaze in astonishment at the playmaker under center. To add to his impressive season, #10 rallied his Buckeyes against Michigan for an epic season-ending victory. The win by Ohio State during America's Greatest Rival ignited the spark to a promising college career. Troy Smith stepped his game up even more with a phenomenal performance against the Irish. The swift moving QB put up Michael Vick-ish numbers against the Notre Dame defense that was notorious for shutting down hefty opponents. The Bucks dominated the Irish statistically, but it was two clutch third down converstions by Smith's athleticism in the closing moments that ultimately sealed an Ohio State win. It is quite obvious after Tressel's victory that Columbus will yet again be the birth of a college superstar. This coming season the Buckeyes will be a dangerous team. Unlike the past, this team will be far more fearing when on offense.
My Confusion With the Saints...Again
After the Saints' lost this past Sunday, I am thankful the season is finally over. It was nothing short of a nightmare. Yet, one issue still confuses me. Adrian McPherson. Why did Haslett and the coaching staff not give the rookie a few series during these last couple of games? It is not like the long time veteran Todd Bouman is the future as far as the Saints' quarterback position goes. I understand that as a backup QB your chances of playing are very limited. Bouman has been waiting for a couple years just to earn a start. In the end, I just thought that since the season was already down the drain why not play a rookie behind center just for him to get some experience. After all this McPherson guy has got some serious potiential. Last time I checked there is no red-shirting in pro ball, so what could it hurt? 'Nuff said...